
  • Birds,  Plants,  Walks


    Everyone was feeding their young this week when we took our walk in the woods. This was probably a once in a lifetime sight… I think Mrs. Doe had a fast getaway in mind, but she tolerated her two hungry fawns for a minute before leaping cleanly over them and leading them quickly into the woods.


    The redwinged blackbird babies were hungry too…


    …as were the orioles.


    Other sights…

    Indigo bunting
    Indigo bunting
    "Indian paintbrush"
    “Indian paintbrush”
    Red-eyed vireo
    Red-eyed vireo

    That’s just a sampling… There were many other sights and sounds, too. This time of year it’s impossible to document them all.

  • Miscellany,  Plants,  Woods

    My brother’s woods


    My brother took us on a walk through a tract of woodland that had several sections with several different characters. I heard many birds I never saw in the denser areas.

    He pointed out lots of clues pointing to the land’s earlier life and uses, and he did a great job getting my daughters to hone their observational skills.


    Jack in the pulpit
    Jack in the pulpit


    Looks like wild lily of the valley, but bigger, and with different leaves
    Looks like wild lily of the valley, but bigger, and with different leaves
    Red-winged blackbird nest
    Red-winged blackbird nest

    Not all the sights were wildlife…

    hoss twins

    This guy won my younger daughter's heart for life.
    This guy won my younger daughter’s heart for life.
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  • Birds,  Plants

    Seen here and there…

    Bad-wing moth
    Bad-wing moth


    Interrupted fern
    Interrupted fern
    Northern flicker nesting in last year's pileated woodpecker nest cavity
    Northern flicker nesting in last year’s pileated woodpecker nest cavity
    Sentinel of the back yard
    Sentinel of the back yard
    Yellow warbler catching a meal...
    Yellow warbler catching a meal…
    ...and eating it.
    …and eating it.
    Starflower (second attempt)
    Starflower (second attempt)
    Gaywing (second attempt)
    Gaywing (second attempt)
    Opening fern (I never tire of them...)
    Opening fern (I never tire of them…)
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  • Plants

    First of the May Apples


    Few blooms are more beautiful than the May apples.

    Partially opened bud
    Partially opened bud
    Full bloom
    Full bloom

    Yesterday the woods were full of them.

    carpet carpet2

    I saw some other wildflowers as well — starflower, as well as a few new ones: gaywing and wild lily of the valley. There was also one mystery flower.

    Gaywing (Fringed polygala)
    Gaywing (Fringed polygala)
    Wild lily of the valley
    Wild lily of the valley
    More wild lily of the valley
    More wild lily of the valley
    Mystery flower
    Mystery flower
    Forest floor
    Forest floor

    The forest floor made me wax poetic — a carpet strewn with jewels. Not all of them were plants, either.

    Green darner dragonfly
    Green darner dragonfly

    All in all quite magical…


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  • Birds,  Plants,  Woods

    Woods wonders

    We saw an unprecedented five hawks in the woods yesterday. Two were Cooper’s hawks, flying together — a sobering reminder that all these beautiful spring warblers are in a daily fight for survival.


    Along with the yellow warblers and blue wings, chestnut-sided warblers were working the treetops.


    I heard but never saw a prairie warbler. (I even resorted to standing in a meadow with my phone, playing the recording of this warbler’s call from the All About Birds site… That was a first!)

    There were two Eastern towhees digging in the leaves, rising briefly from time to time to send out their loud “Drink your tea!”



    Why isn’t it in better focus? Bummer. I think it’s because I was using the hood in a spot where the sun wasn’t particularly bright. Such a beautiful bird, and I’ve been trying to get a picture for a few weeks now. Oh well.

    There is a brown thrasher in the same area. He’s a rich cinnamon color and I just love to hear him, but he doesn’t pose for pictures. Last year I got a good one, though. This year the catbirds are the ones posing for pictures as they chatter in the bushes.


    Once you see something once, it has a way of being visible again. So it is with oven birds. Before this year I never saw even one; now I’ve seen several.

    oven birdb

    I wanted to warn him to hush; there were hawks about. I’ve read that only 50% of oven birds survive. But he vanished into the leaf litter.

    The dogwood and red trillium are blooming. The latter isn’t very prevalent, but I saw a few plants. There were lots of dogwood blooms illuminating the woods.


    3 leaves, 3 sepals, 3 petals. This one’s drooping bloom is propped by a twig so I could snap my photo. Red trillium is also called wake robin — a wonderful, suggestive name that alludes to another favorite herald of spring.


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  • Birds,  Butterflies & Moths,  Plants,  Ponds & Streams,  Walks

    Celebrating Seeing


    My daughters and I watched this pileated woodpecker in our back yard as we were eating lunch the other day. She captivated us for several minutes.


    No sooner had she flown away than a rabbit appeared, gathering up mouthfuls of grass and leaf litter and hopping behind some trees to pad her nest. Now we know where to look for baby rabbits.


    On the whole, this raised awareness of the creatures living all around us is the biggest plus of nature study. Who needs television if you have a window? Who needs computer games if you have eyes? The interest is simply there; all that’s needed is a very little effort to cultivate awareness.

    It’s not always easy to be aware, though. Sometimes it brings sorrow. This year I notice several different areas around where bulldozers have cleared space for some kind of development, and every one of them will have an impact on birds or other creatures that lived in those spaces. Where will they go? And how much more space do humans need to take over, mow down, dig up?

    Even something like Habitat for Humanity (which recently produced a house on an empty lot nearby) gives me pause these days. It sounds so positive. And it is positive to give someone an opportunity to help build their own home. But why take up new space to do it? Why not redesign an existing building standing empty? Every city has more than enough houses already, more than enough retail buildings and factory spaces. Why not use and re-use these spaces, rather than relentlessly sprawling outward like some seeping toxic spill?

    Oh well… enough of the lament. Suffice it to say that I wish we gave more thought such matters before mowing down the bushes and trees to construct new buildings. Awareness — the ability simply to pay attention to what’s around you, wherever you are — is where an environmental ethic begins.  Not legislation or speech-making. Opened eyes.

    Speaking of which, I have seen many interesting sights of late that I haven’t recorded here, and what follows will be a long column of wonders.

    Starting with an oven bird! I’ve heard these leaf-like thrushes many times calling from the forest floor, but never have I been fortunate enough to actually see one till this past weekend, on an early morning walk.



    He was having a territorial squabble with another one nearby. The woods were full of them! Here, he’s standing on the ruin of an old nesting box.

    At a nearby pond, we’ve seen the first of the green herons…

    green heron

    green heron2

    We’ve seen geese nesting…


    …and geese newly hatched.


    As I stood watching, I noticed movement from one grass tussock to the next. Meadow mice were darting like lightning from hole to hole, right out in the marsh. They’re the color of dust, but otherwise they remind me a lot of hamsters.


    Water snakes abounded. None of them looked big enough to eat a mouse, but the frogs and wogs must be on the run.


    I think this tiny butterfly is a silvery blue. Its wings are only about a centimeter wide. The meadow was studded with them; I also saw one bright orange butterfly too elusive to photograph.

    silvery blue

    The chipmunks are coming out of hiding — well, they’re awake. Some are still hiding.

    Find that chipmunk
    Find that chipmunk

    Others look like woodland mariners sailing deadwood ships.


    Happily, my daughter and I saw our first rose-breasted grosbeaks the other morning!

    Mr Grosbeak
    Mr Grosbeak


    Mrs Grosbeak
    Mrs Grosbeak

    There were other birds chorusing all around, including song sparrows…

    song sparrow2

    …and yellow warblers.




    It’s not every day that you get tracked by police while bird watching, but it happened the morning we saw these warblers. My daughter turned around, gasped, and said, “A police car!” We saw an officer circling our parked car and hurried back, fearing we’d broken some parking rule. “Oh, I was going to have her track you,” he greeted us, emerging from behind the car with a large police dog. Turns out he just saw our car and decided to take the opportunity to do some training!

    There are several nests we’ve been keeping an eye on. We were thrilled to discover a red-tailed hawk nest in a spot we pass often, but it’s not terribly photographable. Still, as the nestlings grow and begin flappercizing, maybe we’ll get some better views (and pictures).

    hawk nest

    The other day, we were looking at a red-winged blackbird atop this snag when we noticed a tree swallow in a nest cavity beneath him.


    Last but not least, the chickadees must have a few nestlings in this nest box outside our front window, because the parent birds have been active, flying to and fro and apparently feeding young.


    It’s a great time of year for being outside. Here in the northeast the sense of release from the grip of winter seems so strong and so welcome.



    Even our domestic animals like to get out and smell the flowers!

  • Plants

    Trout Lily

    Yesterday as we explored alongside the river, we came upon lots of these lovely yellow flowers sprouting up. I came home and looked them up in our wildflower book.

    trout lily1 trout lily2

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