Blue-winged warbler
This little fellow sounds exactly like he’s spluttering out a raspberry. He makes sort of a buzzing, raspy call. But what a glorious warbler! This is the best view of one I’ve ever gotten. He appeared to be studying me and the girls, too!
Black and white warbler
I saw another new-to-me warbler yesterday morning. It was on the border between a conifer woodland and a more open area of woodland. My pictures aren’t very good as photography, but as a record of the sighting I value them. This tiny bird was moving so quickly that I felt fortunate to get any picture at all!
Beak full of fluff
Two days ago, my daughter combed the dog outside. It made our day yesterday to see this chickadee gathering up dog hair off the lawn for nesting material.
There’s going to be a very soft bed for some birdlets, somewhere!
Unfurling Ferns
Yellow-rumped Warblers
These little birds always appear to be looking up, thanks to the white outline below their eyes. They’re around now, but most of the times I’ve seen them they’ve been up high.
Last year they appeared down low in the bushes once, and I got some good pictures. This one is still my favorite.
This morning
Baltimore Oriole
This handsome fellow turned up yesterday. Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb! He certainly brightened up a drab day with a splash of brilliant color.
I’ve put out some orange slices in an old suet cage, but he hasn’t been back — yet.
Killdeer Nest
Mrs. Killdeer tried hard to lure us away from her nest with her broken wing routine. My husband is the one who spied these eggs, camouflaged though they are among the other stones.
I’ve seen a red fox twice at the other end of the airport from this nest. I hope he doesn’t find it. It’s always with mixed feelings that I become aware of a bird’s nest. There are so many strikes against them — predators and tromping people especially. I’ll check back in a week or so to see if these eggs are still there.
Trout Lily
Yesterday as we explored alongside the river, we came upon lots of these lovely yellow flowers sprouting up. I came home and looked them up in our wildflower book.
Yellow Warbler