Birds,  Ponds & Streams


My daughter spotted this yellow warbler nest on a walk we took this morning. It’s a great example of something I’ve marveled about before: more eyes = more wonders. It seems like you would see more going alone into the woods because it’s much quieter and less disruptive. But you never know what you miss for the lack of additional eyes. I’ve seen some neat things by myself, but this one I’d have missed entirely!

The girls are excited about going back each week to investigate the nest activity.


  • JW

    You have been neglecting your other blog! 🙂 I check it only to be able to pick your brain on what you are reading and now I have no idea. But that is OK. I do really love all of your pictures and nature adventures as well. So, here let me share a book title that is very engaging to me so far. You know that I do enjoy American history. It is “The last train to paradise” about Henry Flagler. Fascinating story of a railroad, a robber baron, and the great hurricane of 1935.

    • Janet

      Henry Flagler sounds familiar… but doesn’t ring a bell as someone I’ve read. Sounds good!

      I’m neglecting Across the Page because my reading has felt kind of aimless and blah lately… I seem to be more engaged by other things in this season. I’ve also been reading an interminable book: ‘The Way We Live Now’ by Anthony Trollope. As of today I’m 51% of the way through it on my Kindle. And I’ve been at it for two weeks!

      Thanks for stopping by!