
Early Summer: Outer Banks

What a treat to enjoy the vast, changing landscape of the ocean for a few days…


Just a few blocks away from the wide open, salt-sprayed spaces was the Nag’s Head Woods Preserve, a place of clinging, muggy air; wetland chirps and croaks from all manner of unknown (and unseen) creatures; and green scum covering everything from the water surfaces to the turtles and, yes, the beaver — the first beaver I’ve seen live, though in our area we see the signs of beaver activity often.

It was an amazing place, and it hosted far more wildlife and plant life than we were able to see. As may be apparent from the pictures, we were racing a cloudburst, and the walk was accompanied by rumbles of thunder and general eeriness.

Still, I think my favorite environment was the beach. The grandeur, the invitation to reflect on possibilities, and the good spirit of others made it a wonderful week.

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