Gray morning walk
I’ve noticed that birds love the kind of warm, overcast morning I took my walk in. (So do mosquitos. Note to self: use bug dope next time.)
Mostly I heard them this morning: wrens, a huge ground bird spooking and beating away, “bush tickers” (as my daughter calls the many small birds that hide in the bushes sounding the alarm), cardinals, robins, ovenbirds, catbirds.
But I did get to see not one but two wood thrushes, which was a treat. I saw a flurry of juncos among some hemlocks, feeding and discussing. And at one point in the trail I came upon a veritable convocation of small birds eating and, I think, feeding young: redstarts, yellowthroats, vireos, chickadees. The light was no good for pictures, so I enjoyed just standing among them for awhile. They fed on bugs, and mosquitos fed on me.
I contented myself with photos of things that stayed still.
Several deer allowed me into their space, and one studied me closely. They’re a rich cinnamon color this time of year. Though all of them appeared to me to be does, I saw no fawns. I did see coyote tracks. 🙁
It was nice to be out. Even though it kept threatening to rain, it never did. When I got home I was greeted by more wildlife — or semi-wild life — on the front step.