Bird lists and new pics
Migrating birds seen since April:
- Yellow warbler
- Chestnut-sided warbler
- Black and white warbler
- Yellow-rumped warbler
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher
- Palm warbler
- Blue-winged warbler
- Ruby-crowned kinglets
- White-crowned sparrows
- Magnolia warbler
- Black-throated green warbler
- American redstart
Heard but not seen:
- Prairie warbler
New returnees:
- Chipping sparrow
- Brown thrasher
- Robin
- Gray catbird
- Red-winged blackbird
- Baltimore oriole
- Eastern towhee
- Rose-breasted grosbeak
- Eastern phoebe
First sightings in 2013:
- Field sparrow (this bird has a beautiful song!)
- Veery
- Oven bird
- Several of the warblers listed above: black and white, blue-gray gnatcatcher, ruby-crowned kinglet, black-throated green
- Red-breasted nuthatch
I’d love to see:
- Blackburnian warbler
- Parula warbler
Here are some photos from an early morning walk today with my 12-year-old. We’d talked about it yesterday, but since she was up late I decided not to wake her up. She got up early anyway and came out to the kitchen raring to go!
She got the best pictures of the black-throated green warbler using the Canon SX 130IS I used before my husband blessed me with a Canon Rebel last Christmas. My auto focus would NOT focus on this fellow!

Here are my photos of things we saw.

Also seen: oven bird, towhee, yellow warbler, blue wing, chickadee, catbird, brown thrasher, white-tailed deer.