
Spring feeder visitors


I was beginning to worry that something had happened to our male rose-breasted grosbeak. We’ve never NOT had a grosbeak — at least one — in the 13 years we’ve lived here. But though I’d seen the female, I hadn’t seen the male — till yesterday, when he appeared in his usual station, eating and chirping as usual.

This morning he was back with Mrs. Grosbeak, who looks very different.




The ruby-throated hummingbird is back as well, bringing the yearly challenge of trying to get a good picture. Maybe by the end of the season! For now, this will have to do.


We had a flock of pine siskins yesterday as well. They make a racket of busy sounds as they raid the feeder and resemble more muted, streaky goldfinches in their coloration. When I went out with my camera, they made a tremendous “Zheeee!!” warning call from several treetops.
