
Chill Beauty


When I got up yesterday morning and peered out the window, the air was thick with moisture. As day dawned, it became apparent that the moisture had sugar-coated the world.

We haven’t taken many walks lately. We’ve been lying low through deer season, but with sun in the forecast and such a beautiful start to the day, we decided to ditch our usual routine and head out for a walk.

We didn’t even get to the preserve before this caught our attention. Jack Frost had exposed the hidden snares of spiders. This red light is the final stop for flies!


I snapped my photo as the light turned green, giving Older Daughter a laugh. “That was fun for those truckers,” she said, “seeing a woman take out a foot-long camera to take a picture of a green light!”

At the preserve we enjoyed the frosty setting, though we didn’t see many birds. Chickadees were calling everywhere, but they stayed up high in the treetops.

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Fresh beaver work! Whoever is responsible was snug inside the lodge, though.

When we got to the boardwalk, I took pictures of a sparrow in its ice palace.



Meanwhile, Older Daughter took pictures of me. I like this one with its waterfall of light — a cold sun baptism.


My daughters picked up various ice samples and then, when the chunks were large enough, exulted in the joy of smashing them.   fingertip   leaf   sheetThen they played in the creek for awhile on our way back out. My toes and fingers were cold, but the girls can play in water in any wind or weather. Older Daughter had a balsa boat she’d made, and Younger Daughter heaved all that was heavable to make splashes for the dog.

A Cooper’s hawk flew strongly over our heads as we walked back to the car. I dislike the way Cooper’s hawks eat songbirds, but I admire their strength and speed in the air. I have to respect a creature willing to work so hard for its sustenance, and they are beautiful to look at.

It was a glorious morning.


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