Butterflies & Moths,  Walks

Summer sightings

Today on the way out of a park, Younger Daughter and I stopped to scrape a dead oriole off the road and place it in a shady bed of clover off to the side. It was our small acknowledgment of beauty utterly wasted.

But as Ma in the Little House books is fond of saying, there’s no loss without some small gain. Glancing up as we walked back to the car, we spotted some cliff swallow nests on the bridge over the river.

There were several of them along the bridge’s eaves. We’ll have fun watching their story unfold.

Younger Daughter loves streams, and while she played in the water I puttered on the edge with my camera.

A meadow fritillary, I think — about 2 inches across with wings open.


One of several watchful song sparrows.
I believe this is mayweed, based on the leaves thin “yarrow-like” leaves.

All in all a very nice time together. Younger Daughter caught minnows and threw rocks for the dog while I wandered and sweated. I’m not at my best when it’s in the nineties out, but I felt rewarded by these beauties.