Last night, my older daughter and I went for a walk at a nearby preserve called Brick Pond. We loved seeing this rainbow!
Other sights: great blue herons, green herons, wood ducks, a mallard and her brood, a killdeer, a muskrat, geese with goslings, tons of polliwogs, and an enormous bass. It must have been 6 or 7 inches deep, from the top of its head to its chin. There were a couple of kingfishers at work, and we heard yellow warblers and a Baltimore oriole. Two deer fled when they saw us coming. The first blue flag of the season bloomed by itself among some ferns. Any number of familiar birds — robins, catbirds, red-winged blackbirds, grackels, chickadees, woodpeckers — discussed us. Some kind of flycatcher fluttered overhead, but the light was too poor to identify it — or to take many photos.